.. Untitled?

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Kawppa's avatar

Hi everyone. 'u'

I know I haven't been very active lately. Also I've noticed I've lost couple watchers but.. I won't let it bother me too much.
Start of year was bit of struggling for me and still some things seems hard to do, also school is stressing me. But I've been quite positive. That is kinda.. big change in my personality. I do my best, I'm not giving up so easily. I have thought about getting back my medication.

Biggest struggle still is.. with myself and friendships. Sometimes my mood changes quickly, I take things too seriously or I get offended about some joke. Also now I'm going to have to deal with fear of losing, even I know how things go and I shouldn't be worried about it, I should just look forward. But it's not so easily done, 'cause I'm already dealing with it. I have struggles even with my best friend, or I feel so. 

So, for my friends, I'm sorry that I've been moody and weird. I'm thankful for you standing it. I hope you won't get fed up with me. 
For all watchers, I'm taking bit time with drawing. Sometimes I have inspiration, sometimes not, even I have the will to draw. 
© 2014 - 2024 Kawppa
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V1KA's avatar
D': Sama meno täällä! Mullakin on aika ajoin ongelmia omien kavereiden kanssa. Tai itse kavereiden kanssa ei oo mitään ongelmaa, vaan se ongelma on lähinnä mussa. Koska mäkin oon just tollainen luonteeltani, et mun mielialat vaihtelee ja saatan ottaa asiat liian henkilökohtaisesti. ´n` Huono tapa.

Mutta ihanaa, et sulla menee muuten suht. hyvin ja muistat pysyä positiivisena! :hug: Tolla asenteella pääsee aina pitkälle!